JCD Garden Update!!

After weeding and a general tidy up we planted potted colour and green mondo grass into our garden bed. We think the colour looks fantastic. Take a look at some of our photos.

JCD having being working hard all term on their Inquiry unit “How can we enhance our school garden?”  They have learnt a number of different things about:

  • How plants grow?
  • What the different parts of the plant are
  • Conducting science experiments

and many more interesting things.  The children of JCD were asked to reflect on some of the things that they had learnt and below are some of their responses.

Plants need, food, soil, water and sun – MacKenzie and Keilah

We have been learning about different parts of the plant. If plants didn’t have roots they would fly away – Hamish and Oscar

Animals eat the plants and it comes out the other end and then grows – Marcus and Charlie

We have learn’t how seeds travel by propulsion. They can also hook onto a dogs fur and they can travel by the wind – Keanu, Chloe, Alia

There are different parts of a plant – Stem, leaves, seeds, roots, petals & flowers – Josh, Elli & Serena

JCD have their own part of the school grounds to enhance and we are looking after the space near the stairs with the big tree – Gabrielle & Emma

We give plants fertiliser for food to grow. Aslo when plants are tiny they have little roots and as they grow they have big roots – Rebecca and Reuben

Whenever you water a plant it grows bigger and they also need sun and rain to grow – Stevie & Nyamal

How plants grow? Put a seed in the soil – Lewis & Lucas M

Seeds can fly over water. The air can push the seeds.  Plants can also explode and that is how their seeds can fly through the air as well – Rohan and Lucas F

Seeds can travel in lots of different ways – Soul and Sienna

This term in JCD, we have learnt about plants and we are having lots of fun. We are enhancing our school gardens.

We are going to enhance our own garden bed at the school. It is the garden bed at the bottom on the big stairs on your left.

We are going to enhance this garden bed by:

  • Removing the old tan bark and replacing it with fresh soil
  • Removing all the rubbish that is spoiling the garden
  • Weeding the garden bed and remove any dead or old plants
  • Plant more mondo grasses (black colour)
  • Plant colourful flowers that will look great in Spring
  • Fertilise and regularly water the plants so they grow really well and look healthy.

18 responses

  1. Congratulations JCD on your blog. I loved reading about your ideas to improve our school garden. I can’t wait to see the colourful flowers and I look forward to taking JCP to your garden bed.
    Thanks for keeping our school tidy. It makes me so sad to see rubbish lying on the ground, so I am so proud of you all for taking the time to care for our school environment.

  2. Hi JCD
    I was wondering why do you have to fertilize the garden? Also what is fertilizer? Can’t wait to see the colourful flowers you decide on planting!

  3. Hello JCD. I am wondering what type of flowers are colourful that will look great in spring?

  4. Keep it up jco! Looking good!

    1. Oops! Meant JCD

  5. Well done JCD!!

  6. We are looking forward to planting lots of colourful plants next Thursday to enhance our school gardens.

  7. Great idea love your work

  8. I like the colours and i think the area needed a good “colour in”

  9. Giselle and her mum | Reply

    WE really like were your planting.

    1. Cate and rosie here, your Flowers look nice .
      from Rosie and Cate

  10. keep it up

  11. Your flows are the best

  12. Go JCD

  13. Joshua and Arwen | Reply

    JCD you are doing very well but are you still doing some more?

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